Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Leadership election timetable published

Liberal Democrat HQ has informed us:

Following the agreement of the Federal Executive and the party’s returning officer I am pleased to be able to confirm to you the timetable for the election of a new party leader.
Opening of nominations
13th of May 2015   
Close of nominations
3rd of June 2015       
Dispatch of ballot papers
24th of June 2015
Deadline for ballot papers to be returned          
15th of July 2015
Count and declaration of the winner
16th of July 2015
Any member who joins the party before the close of nominations is able to vote in the election, so this is a fantastic time to ask local supporters and former members to join the party. The easiest way for them to join is online at
If you have any questions regarding this process, please get in touch via

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